💧Spirulina seems to work well as an anti-wrinkle agent for aging adult skin. With anti-inflammatory properties, this powerful antioxidant, phycocyanin's antiradical properties, help protect cells against damage from free radicals from oxidative stress from such things as exposure to pollution, UV radiation.* 1,2,4,5,7
💧Spirulina extract works well for wound healing.* 4,7
💧Spirulina extract has potential as oral sun protection enhancing agent.* 3,7
💧Phycocyanin is a powerful biostimulant of beneficial gut bacteria. The body has remarkable powers to balance itself and recover - and prebiotics such as phycocyanin can support the growth of the good gut bacteria that improve skin health.* 6,8
💧It has been reported that phycocyanin has anti-oxidative function, anti-inflammatory activity, anti-cancer function, immune enhancement function, liver and kidney protection pharmacological effects.* 9
💧Blue Spirulina has medicinal properties to combat free-radical damage caused by oxidative stress. 10, 11, 12
💧Blue Spirulina has been extensively studied as an antioxidant with therapeutic benefits, such as anti-inflam matory, immune-modulatory, anti-cancer properties, wound-healing, and other health-promoting potentials. 10, 12
💧Blue Spirulina works as an antioxidant by scavenging free radicals. 13